Umbrella Directory

Choosing an Umbrella Company is very important. It is essential that you choose a company that is going to pay you on time and is fully compliant. Below a selection of Umbrella Companies - please do contact them for futher details of how they can support you as a contractor.

Umbrella Directory

Contractor Umbrella

ContractorUmbrella offers an employment solution to contractors which is hassle-free, provides complete peace of mind and customer service which is second to none. We do not use call centres or automated systems that will leave you angry and frustrated; you will be looked after by one of our highly trained Account Managers who work under our Customer Service Charter meaning that the promises that we make to you are supported by our full money-backed service guarantees. If you are new to the contracting world when you join our umbrella company we will ensure that the transition is made as easy for you as possible; our FREE guides will explain IR35, allowable expenses and all the other things you need to know as a first timer and your account manager will always be happy to answer any questions that you have. ContractorUmbrella retains specialist employment lawyers and tax advisors to ensure that we are compliant with all current legislation including the Agency Worker Regulations. For more information please contact us on 01206 713680 or click here to visit our site.